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The solution for the SharePoint Online intranet that allows you to distribute business documents and track their consultation, thanks to integration with Power BI.


Document Acknowledgement:
Why does your company need it?

Our component simplifies business document management and compliance, helping you distribute important procedures and monitor their consultation.

You'll be able to provide quick access to documents for viewing on the SharePoint intranet, ensuring that colleagues are always up-to-date and reducing compliance risks for internal operations.

Request colleagues to view company documents

By integrating our component into a document library, Editor users can view "Acknowledgement" among the actions available by default in SharePoint Online. This command allows a notification to be sent directly from the document library to alert colleagues of new content for viewing.

Notifications can be accompanied by custom messages and sent to:

  • Individual users
  • Microsoft 365 groups
  • Distribution lists (even with guest users)

Quick access to documents to be viewed

Users who are recipients of notifications receive an automatic email with all useful information about the shared documents, such as:

  • ID number
  • Document name
  • Date of addition to the document library

Additionally, the notification email contains links to the individual documents to allow for quick consultation on the dedicated SharePoint intranet page and to let users confirm that the documents have been viewed.

Manage viewing on different versions of your documents

Make the most of the versioning system of document libraries in the SharePoint Online intranet. Each time a new version of a document is published within the document library, the acknowledgments of receipt made by colleagues on the previous version of the file are invalidated, and an e-mail is sent to them requesting a new acknowledgment.

This way, you can ensure that colleagues are up-to-date with the latest version of your company's procedures.

Intranet pages and archives for acknowledgment

We take care of configuring the page dedicated to acknowledgment, including the SharePoint Online lists.

Documents can be divided into thematic document libraries based on your company's needs. For example, we can create a library with onboarding procedures for new hires or areas for manuals.

SharePoint Online libraries thus become centralized archives that users can access independently to view new content or request acknowledgment from colleagues.

These archives also simplify the work of Editors, who will be able to upload, modify, distribute, and track the consultation of company procedures in one central point on the intranet.

Document acknowledgement:
What are the benefits?

Our component helps you reference and record the reading of business documents stored in SharePoint Online libraries.

In no time, your company will have a simple and secure process for ensuring that users know the procedures, guidelines, and regulations needed to carry out their daily activities.

Send automatic e-mail notifications and access documents for review with one click, thanks to the Acknowledgement command found on the dedicated page of your SharePoint intranet.

Monitor document consultation with Power BI

Thanks to the integration with Power BI, our component can provide you with a detailed overview of the consultation of business documents shared with colleagues. Managers will have access to a dynamic report to monitor the consultation of documents in SharePoint Online and analyze the data collected by our functionality using filters such as:

  • Recipient user name
  • Recipient user department
  • Title of the file shared for consultation
  • Notification of Acknowledgement sent date
  • Consultation date by the recipient user


Simple installation

We oversee the installation of our component in your company's SharePoint document libraries.

Our experts will provide continuous support to manage the notification and monitoring functionalities for document consultation, also assisting you in managing the information in Power BI.

The complete SharePoint intranet
integrated with Microsoft 365,
starting from 3,650 €/year.
is the solution to
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implementation times.

Operational within 24 hours from purchase, with 5 days of consulting.

50+ apps for communication, training, and corporate knowledge sharing.

Capable of maximizing your investment in Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Viva.