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Obtain detailed reports on user behavior
within your intranet and integrated apps.

Customize our component to track page views, user sessions,
search queries, document access, and much more.


Intranet Analytics:
expand SharePoint's
analytical capabilities

Our feature provides concrete data on the use of your corporate portal.

It allows you to view data beyond the default 90-day limit of SharePoint, identify the devices used by users, analyze their searches, and interactions with content.

Filter information by location and department, wherever they may be.

Migliora l'esperienza di navigazione nella intranet SharePoint

Enhance the browsing experience

The work doesn't end when the intranet is launched; it begins right then.

With Intranet Analytics, you can discover how many users are accessing the intranet and which pages are most visited. You can monitor their searches and how they interact with content.

Choose what to track, interpret insights, and increase the value of your intranet.

Raccogliere dati di utilizzo della intranet SharePoint senza violare la privacy degli utenti

Use a GDPR-compliant tool

Our feature collects information needed to monitor user behavior within the intranet without storing any personal data.

Searches are recorded anonymously to ensure compliance with GDPR privacy regulations.

Filtra i dati di utilizzo della intranet SharePoint

Filter data and get precise insights

Find out which department receives more visits or by whom content is searched the most.

Intranet Analytics allows you to track data from different company locations and scale results based on user properties such as department or role.

Filter results to understand the effectiveness of internal communication and discover areas for improvement.

Ottenere report personalizzati sull'uso della intranet SharePoint

Get customized reports

Our component provides you with Power BI dashboards and reports to easily and quickly access real-time data. Customize reporting to display the information that interests you and understand how to improve the intranet.

Integrazione dei dati di sistemi di terze parti con intranet analytics

Integrate data from external sources

Intranet Analytics is built on a system capable of receiving all user data within the intranet.

You can thus access data from third-party software to understand how the digital workspace is being used and how to improve it.

The ideal monitoring tool
for your Microsoft 365 digital workplace

Here's an overview of the capabilities of our component for your SharePoint intranet.

Trova le keyword più usate nella intranet SharePoint

Find the most used keywords

Intranet Analytics provides direct access to a customized and anonymous archive of all searches made with Advanced Search.

Analizza l'accesso ai documenti nella intranet SharePoint

Analyze document access

Analyze access data to the document area to discover which are the most sought-after files and create content to disseminate useful information within the intranet.

Personalizza i report sull'utilizzo della intranet SharePoint

Customize reports

With our feature, you can base intranet analyses on different user properties to get personalized and goal-specific reports.

Filtra i dati di utilizzo della intranet SharePoint per famiglie professionali

Filter by professional families

Use professional families for detailed analysis based on the users' department or location.

Microsoft Azure conserva i dati analitici della intranet SharePoint

Data ownership

Log and analysis data is stored in a specific Microsoft Azure subscription. No usage data is stored outside of it.

Garantisci la privacy degli utenti della intranet SharePoint

Ensure user privacy

Logs created and stored with Intranet Analytics are anonymous and do not contain any personal user data.

The complete SharePoint intranet
integrated with Microsoft 365,
starting from 3,650 €/year.
is the solution to
reduce costs and
implementation times.

Operational within 24 hours from purchase, with 5 days of consulting.

50+ apps for communication, training, and corporate knowledge sharing.

Capable of maximizing your investment in Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Viva.