Our feature provides visibility to the most important news by pinning them on
every page of the SharePoint intranet and following users during navigation.
It integrates with Teams Push Notifications to ensure maximum reception.
SharePoint Notifications:
why your company needs them?
Our feature reaches the corporate audience with the most important news.
It pins communications at the top of every page of the intranet, transforming them into small banners that accompany users during their navigation.
Thanks to integration with Teams Push Notifications, alerts arrive in the Microsoft Teams app to facilitate quick access to company-promoted news.
Alerts and service communications:
what are the benefits?
Alerts on intranet pages
The most important communications are promoted with small banners that accompany users on all SharePoint intranet pages.
Integrated push notifications
Our feature integrates with Teams Push Notifications to expand the reach of alerts and provide quick access to news in Teams.
Alerts for user groups
Alerts can be targeted based on user roles, location, or language. To learn more, discover Dynamic Groups.
Highlight service communications on the SharePoint intranet
A department has changed its closure schedule.
The IT department needs to perform maintenance over the weekend.
Notify colleagues wherever they are and ensure they receive the most important news.
Pin news on every intranet page
Our feature can help you give voice to the most important news at a specific time of day or week. Examples could include creating a new area on the intranet or changing the cafeteria's hours.
News can be pinned at the top of SharePoint site pages to attract users' attention and ensure maximum reception.
The complete SharePoint intranet
integrated with Microsoft 365,
starting from 3,650 €/year.
is the solution to
reduce costs and
implementation times.
Operational within 24 hours from purchase, with 5 days of consulting.
50+ apps for communication, training, and corporate knowledge sharing.
Capable of maximizing your investment in Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Viva.