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Microlearning examples for corporate training

Microlearning is transforming training, meeting the growing need to acquire new skills with optimal use of one's time and energy. It therefore allows people to devote time to training on busy workdays, thanks to short teaching units that simplify the assimilation of concepts.

In this article, we will explore the importance of this learning methodology in corporate training through use cases and examples of microlearning. You will also find our advice on the best platforms for creating and deploying your microlearning in the Microsoft 365 digital workplace.

Introduction to microlearning

Microlearning is the learning methodology that relies on the use of short learning units to simplify the assimilation and retention of concepts. In fact, at the basis of this methodology, we find Hermann Ebbinghaus' "forgetting curve," which states that our memorization capacity depends largely on the amount of information to be learned.

Microlearning therefore offers short, focused courses that enable users to:

  • acquire new skills
  • consolidate learned knowledge
  • review information useful for their own activities

The brevity of the courses and versatility of the lessons are its main strengths, presenting concepts in short paragraphs of text and multimedia content lasting less than 5/10 min, to be enjoyed over time for continuous training.

Just devoting 3 to 6 minutes to each micro-lesson is enough to achieve a specific learning objective, keeping concentration high through video tutorials, gamification experiences, infographics, audio clips, and more.

In this way, the effort required to acquire and develop new skills is dramatically reduced to meet the needs of companies and professionals, who increasingly need to strike a balance between training and work routines.

Soluzione intranet pronta all'uso

Discover Microlearning by

Based on generative AI to help you:

  • generate courses from business documents
  • support colleagues in finding information
  • translate content to 40+ languages, in seconds
  • manage corporate training, with advanced features for course assignment and progress tracking
  • enrich your intranet or corporate LMS system with original micro-lessons and customized training paths


Microlearning examples in the enterprise

For many companies, managing in-house training is a problem.

The time it takes to complete a course is long, classes are difficult to distribute over work days, and training materials are often poorly targeted to the real needs of workers. If users do not have the opportunity, or even the motivation, to take the proposed courses, the investment in building an internal training offering is wasted.

Microlearning thus stems from the need to make training more agile and engaging, simplifying the assimilation of information and the development of skills in the company.

The concise content, consisting of text and multimedia resources, and ready to be put into practice is the ideal solution to support people in their professional development and help them quickly acquire the skills they need to perform their jobs to the best of their ability.

In addition to ongoing staff training, microlearning can be used to promote the decision-making, time-management and problem-solving skills of business leaders with microlessons that include simulations of realistic scenarios, to be shared via e-mail or through platforms such as Microsoft Teams to make access even easier.

A second example sees microlearning playing a leading role in the onboarding process.

New hires could in fact access microlearning with:

  • information to learn more about thecompany, its mission and values
  • video tutorials on how to use company applications and systems
  • text-based deliveries on how to manage procedures, accompanied by interactive quizzes
  • interviews with colleagues in audio clip format, to share stories, projects and goals

This would reduce onboarding time, but not only that. Newly arrived people would have more autonomy to manage their own training, adapting it to their new work rhythms. They would also be able to learn in a few days everything they need to perform their tasks without depending too much on their colleagues.

Microlearning is also a great solution for training customers, partners and suppliers.

The company could create a SharePoint site, a Teams group or a Viva Engage community where microlearning dedicated to its products and services could be brought together. On the one hand, customers could access the different media content to learn what benefits they would get from purchasing; on the other hand, partners and suppliers could use these resources to better understand how to integrate their offerings or how to improve their collaboration with the company.

Examples of microlearning platforms

Bringing microlearning into corporate training is simple, but the effectiveness of this investment depends on the tools chosen to create and deliver the courses and microlessons.

We present below microlearning platforms that we recommend for their low cost, ease of use, number of features, and compatibility with Microsoft 365.



Microlearning from

Microlearning is the technology we developed to simplify the creation of easily assimilated courses and content with the support of artificial intelligence.

Using Microsoft AI, our platform can transform lengthy business procedures into short, engaging and secure lessons to ensure the privacy of shared information. The company can customize the generated lessons and assemble them into thematic units for comprehensive, user-friendly training courses in minutes.

Micro-lessons can be modified in terms of format and information, or enriched by external content such as:

  • youTube and Vimeo videos
  • google maps and charts
  • sway presentations
  • original resources created by the company

In this way, users can access all the information they need to learn about a topic without switching between platforms and thus wasting useful training time.

Microlearning also helps stimulate active participation by generating:

  • content in audio format
  • tests for verifying knowledge
  • interactive quizzes and flash cards for reviewing concepts

Each of these contents can be used individually or as part of a more structured learning path. They are also accessible from leading Microsoft applications for collaboration and internal training, such as Microsoft Teams and Viva Learning.

Alternatively, the company can choose to export the generated micro-lessons in SCORM format to update the training offerings already in its LMS.

Use AI to generate your training courses

Besides implementing your intranet project with minimal investment, we offer additional tools to enrich your digital workplace and enhance the employee experience.

Microlearning is the platform we have created to support corporate training. It is based on generative AI and integration with Microsoft 365 Copilot to:

  • Generate courses from company documents
  • Translate content into 40+ languages in a few seconds
  • Manage training through course assignment and progress tracking


SharePoint intranet

The SharePoint Online intranet is an excellent tool for distributing content in microlearning format throughout the company. Microlearnings could enrich home pages, internal communications, in-depth pages, or create a dedicated training area.

The company could then increase daily user visits and interaction with the site's content, while users would have access to suggested training courses directly from the platform they use daily to conduct their business.



Microsoft Teams

Micro-lessons can be shared in Microsoft Teams to simplify internal training management and support collaborative learning in the company.

In fact, business team leaders can use our Microlearning platform to create training courses and assign them to users, who receive a notification and subsequent reminders in the Teams app to complete the lessons within the set timeframe.

For their part, users can share the most useful courses and training resources with colleagues via Teams groups and chat. In this way, knowledge sharing and especially the exchange of ideas about corporate courses is stimulated.



Viva Engage

With a view to sharing and exchanging ideas, Viva Engage communities are the ideal tool for companies that want to focus on the effectiveness of collaborative learning.

Communities can host discussions, brainstorming sessions and Q&A moments, giving users the opportunity to actively contribute their thoughts to the creation of shared knowledge and the development of skills useful to the business community.

Gamification experiences such as quizzes with prizes, challenges and badges for achieving training objectives can accompany the micro-lessons shared in the community, both to keep users' interest in learning ignited and to make training a collective experience.



Viva Learning

Viva Learning is the Microsoft Viva module designed to be the center of internal training, bringing together training content from providers such as LinkedIn Learning, corporate SharePoint sites, or platforms such as our Microlearning in one place in the digital workplace.

By importing microlearning into Viva Learning, the company and its administrators have the ability to use advanced features to create new learning paths, combining the resources present, and manage training through course assignments and progress tracking.

It is also important to note that the content offered by Viva Learning is based on the microlearning methodology, as courses with short learning units are offered. However, the difference with systems such as's Microlearning lies in Viva Learning's inability to generate courses from its own documents.


To help you choose the platform best suited to your needs and to the effective adoption of microlearning in your company, we offer below a summary table of the features and benefits offered by the tools now seen together.


Examples of microlearning platforms


Platform for microlearning Platform features
Microlearning from
  • Use of artificial intelligence to create short, engaging lessons that are secure for corporate data privacy.
  • Personalization of lessons through the addition of original content or content from providers such as YouTube, Google and Spotify.
  • Active participation through interactive elements such as tests, quizzes and flash cards.
  • Integration with Microsoft 365 for course management and sharing.
  • Export of lessons in SCORM format to enrich the corporate LMS system.
SharePoint intranet
  • Distribution of micro-lessons in the corporate intranet.
  • Ability to enrich dedicated pages and areas with training content.
  • Increased visits to the intranet and interaction with its content.
Microsoft Teams
  • Sharing of micro-lessons in Teams groups and chat.
  • Sending personalized notifications and reminders for course progress.
  • Facilitated sharing of training resources among colleagues.
Viva Engage
  • Use of communities for sharing micro-lessons.
  • Ability to participate in discussions, brainstorming sessions and Q&A moments.
  • Ability to enrich training with gamification experiences such as quizzes with prizes, challenges and personalized badges.
Viva Learning
  • Centralization of all corporate training content and courses.
  • Integration of micro-lessons into customized learning paths.
  • Access to features for course assignment and progress tracking.


Examples of content for microlearning

The variety of formats is a crucial strength of microlearning.

The right combination of visual, auditory and interactive elements ensures that training courses are not only short, but more importantly able to keep users engaged throughout their duration.

Let's look below at the main formats on which your microlearning can be based.



Flash cards

A convenient and fun format for reviewing concepts.

The popularity and effectiveness of flash cards have led us to include them as one of the formats available in our Microlearning platform, so that users are shown three consecutive cards with a question, a concise answer and a more detailed explanation of the solution.




Videos are among the most popular formats for users, from social media to micro-lectures in corporate courses.

Indeed, it is a content with direct and personal communication, which lends itself well to conveying any type of information. For example, videos can be used to show how to use a business application in just a few minutes.



Audio clips

The optimal format for training that requires direct but non-visual communication, such as teaching a foreign language or public speaking techniques.

Audio clips are also perfect for sharing short interviews with colleagues, with testimonials and comments on company initiatives, current projects and achievements.




Infographics are a versatile tool for corporate communication, offering a clear summary of complex information and enhancing user understanding through the combination of textual and visual elements.

This format has great adaptability and can be used in multiple business contexts. Forexample, infographics can be used to illustratea department's performance metrics, providing an immediate picture of its achievements. They can beused to summarize relevant regulations for the company, ensuring greater compliance with legal requirements.

Or they can be used to visualize the functioning and relationship between internal processes, facilitating collaboration between departments.



Short paragraphs of text

The more traditional format that relies on the use of short pages and fact sheets to facilitate the enjoyment of micro-lessons without the need for audio or video devices, except for assisted reading features.

Compared with multimedia content such as audio and video, the text format allows for greater flexibility in managing the training. On the one hand, users have the ability to follow explanations at their own pace, returning to key concepts and taking notes more easily; on the other hand, the company can update information without having to recreate the content from scratch.

Text-based microlessons allow for quick training, much like learning from messages received on Whatsapp.



Quizzes and interactive tests

Not all microlessons in a course are for presenting new information. In fact, it is useful to include elements that can engage users in testing and reviewing concepts, to put theory into practice and avoid passive (and therefore ineffective) learning.

Quizzes and tests thus play an important role in microlearning training, requiring only a handful of minutes to engage users with open-ended or multiple-choice questions, sentences to complete, information matching, and more.

The effectiveness of this format is enhanced by the addition of gamification experiences, such as scores to be earned for each correct answer, levels to be passed to obtain personalized badges, and the ability to share results with colleagues.

What is is the ready-to-use corporate intranet, designed to reduce costs and implementation times, thus creating a collaborative and modern digital work environment:

  • Initial price of 3,650 €/year for a complete intranet
  • 50+ applications, including advanced search, document management system, push notifications via Teams, personal profile, and FAQ pages
  • 100% integrated with SharePoint Online and Microsoft 365


Giuseppe Marchi


Microsoft MVP for SharePoint and Microsoft 365 since 2010.

Giuseppe is the founder of and one of the leading experts in Italy in all matters related to Microsoft 365. For years, he has been assisting companies in creating their digital workplace environment on the Microsoft cloud, focusing on people's experience.

FAQ on microlearning examples

What is the concept behind microlearning?

Microlearning is based on the use of short instructional units to simplify the assimilation and retention of concepts, according to Hermann Ebbinghaus's "forgetting curve" theory.

What are the main advantages of microlearning?

Microlearning allows for the acquisition of new skills, consolidation of knowledge, and review of useful information in reduced timeframes, but continuously over time, adapting to the needs of businesses and professionals.

What are some examples of using microlearning for corporate training?

Microlearning can be used to manage internal training in companies, facilitating the assimilation of information and skill development, reducing onboarding times for new hires, and improving the training of clients, partners, and suppliers. Additionally, it can be an effective format for easier assimilation of procedures.

What platforms can be used to bring microlearning into companies?

Recommended platforms include Microlearning by, Intranet SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, Viva Engage, and Viva Learning, each with specific features and advanced functionalities.

What are the most suitable formats for microlearning?

The most suitable formats for microlearning include flash cards, videos, audio clips, infographics, text paragraphs, and interactive quizzes, each with specific advantages to facilitate learning and user engagement.

Keep on reading

What is microlearning and how to bring it in your company

Find out what microlearning is and how to use it to improve corporate training.