Our component helps you navigate the pages of the intranet or any SharePoint Online-based site, thanks to an interactive index that gathers the most important content.
Page index for the SharePoint intranet: What are the benefits?
Our web part is designed to gather the titles present on a SharePoint page into an automated index.
By scrolling through the index, you can quickly see the topics covered in a news post, a company update, or a newsletter. Simply click on a title to jump to the corresponding content.
The complete SharePoint intranet
integrated with Microsoft 365,
starting from 3,650 €/year.
is the solution to
reduce costs and
implementation times.
Operational within 24 hours from purchase, with 5 days of consulting.
50+ apps for communication, training, and corporate knowledge sharing.
Capable of maximizing your investment in Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Viva.