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Diamond Plan

The entire range of products included in the Business, Enterprise, and Premium plans.

  • Measure the effectiveness of your digital workplace
  • Manage the document lifecycle without ever leaving the intranet
  • Create and resolve support requests from Microsoft Teams

The features included in
the SharePoint intranet of the Diamond plan

Speed up the creation of your intranet and the integrated Microsoft 365 environment.


All the features of the Business, Enterprise, and Premium plans

Quickly find the information and content you need from your SharePoint intranet.

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The component to highlight important communications on every intranet page.

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The graphic element that allows users to return to the top of the page they are reading on the intranet.

Apply a clean design to intranet pages that do not require interaction.

The public area to suggest useful applications and content to users for their work.

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Gather corporate documents in a single space on your SharePoint intranet.

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Enhance the productivity of corporate teams.

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The shared calendar to organize and promote company events on the intranet.

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Separate content on pages of your SharePoint intranet with customizable graphics.

Use Google Analytics reports to analyze usage data of your SharePoint intranet. enriches the new suite dedicated to the employee experience, from internal communication and training to the creation of the corporate knowledge base.

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The feature that integrates our components with SharePoint styles and offers you ready-to-use modern graphics.

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The private area where you can gather apps and useful links for easy access.

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A set of web parts for publishing corporate news with customized layouts, tags, and audiences.

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Centralize the management of corporate news published on the SharePoint intranet.

The intelligent directory for your SharePoint intranet, integrated with Microsoft 365.

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Sites to help departments make themselves known and manage their communication.

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Gather information and content to meet daily business needs.

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Redirect users to the intranet portal with relevant content by country or company location.

The dynamic guide to show users the features of their SharePoint intranet.

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Provide users with geo-localized content in their preferred language.

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The personal profile to make yourself known in the company based on your skills.

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Create and share custom audio content that is easy to consume and enjoyable to follow.

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Increase engagement with corporate video clips for the SharePoint intranet.

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Highlight corporate anniversaries and colleagues' birthdays.

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Publish and share personal announcements on your SharePoint intranet.

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Stimulate colleagues' curiosity with dynamic buttons to be placed on every page of the intranet.

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Intelligent support for translating content on your intranet.

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Interactive graphics that provide quick access to corporate resources.

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The web part that promotes intranet resources and pages with modern graphics.

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The intranet area dedicated to the HR department.

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Modern layout to highlight your company's key initiatives.

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Present leaders in the company, the board, or department heads.

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The dynamic map to learn about corporate locations.

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The component that helps you build a people-centered corporate culture.

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Bring your Favorites together on a single page on the SharePoint intranet.

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The intelligent organizational chart integrated with the People Directory.

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Communication campaigns that launch on initial access to the SharePoint intranet.

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Spread advice, tips, and values on your SharePoint intranet.

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Keep colleagues updated with news from industry blogs, websites, and digital magazines.

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Create backgrounds that align with the corporate brand for your SharePoint intranet.

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Share posts published in your company's LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and TikTok profiles.

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Welcome users to the intranet, providing quick access to useful resources and their personal profile.

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Promote the publication of new content on the intranet with our push notification system for Microsoft Teams.

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Size data based on corporate demographic properties.

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Compare data from the SharePoint intranet with Power BI dynamic reports.

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Integrate data from Microsoft 365 products and third-party software.

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Obtain precise data on what and how users search within the intranet.

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Analyze visits to your SharePoint intranet.

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Get precise data on the actions users take within the intranet, from clicks to the pages opened during navigation.

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Our component integrates with DocuSign and Microsoft 365 to simplify the approval process.

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Use predefined templates and formats as a foundation to create your company documents.

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Keep colleagues updated in real-time on new procedures published in the SharePoint intranet.

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Each department has access to a private workspace to manage its documents independently.

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Choose between electronic signature and email submission Customize the approval process to your needs. Choose efficiency, traceability, and the security of electronic signatures or use emails for procedure approval.

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Automatically assign a unique protocol number to created documents.

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Leverage integration with Microsoft Office for document review in co-authoring mode.

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Easily track and retrieve changes made to documents over time.

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Create categories and subcategories to route tickets to the relevant department.

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Communicate in real-time to resolve requests.

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Determine the number of operators to activate for each department at no additional cost.

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Automatically assign tickets based on the topic.

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Create ready-made responses to address common requests.

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Monitor ticket management.

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Manage your company's help desk service directly from Microsoft Teams.

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Track the history of changes made to the ticket.

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Define criteria for grouping intranet users into different distribution groups.

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Define information recipients for intelligent collaboration.

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View or cancel your bookings.

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Support your colleagues with their bookings.

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Book your car and a spot in the company parking lot.

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Book your workspace.

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Quickly find the resources you need.

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Book company devices.

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Access your SharePoint intranet and book with a single click.

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Configure company resources with customizable properties.

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Customize our component to manage and book your company's resources.

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Book your meeting room and invite colleagues to participate.

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Make Docebo courses available in Microsoft Teams through Viva Learning.

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Creates a hub for corporate training.

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Our solution allows you to manage the acknowledgment of company documents, with the sending of notifications and the tracking of consultations using Power BI.

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SharePoint Intranet

Complete, ready to use, and integrated with Microsoft 365.

SharePoint Intranet

Complete, ready to use, and integrated with Microsoft 365.

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Teams Push Notifications

Spread the news from your SharePoint intranet through the Microsoft Teams app.

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Intranet Analytics

To measure the effectiveness of the intranet and the integrated Microsoft 365 environment.

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Document Management System

To manage the lifecycle of company documents in the intranet.

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Ticketing System via Teams

To create and manage support requests in the Microsoft Teams app.

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Dynamic Groups

To automatically manage company groups in the intranet.

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Resource Reservation

To manage and immediately book company resources in the intranet.

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SharePoint Intranet

Complete, ready to use, and integrated with Microsoft 365.

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SharePoint Intranet

Complete, ready to use, and integrated with Microsoft 365.

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Compare the available intranet plans

Choose the intranet solution tailored to your company.

Business Plan
for businesses with less than 300 users
From 3,650 €/year
  • Advanced Search
  • People Directory
  • Teams Push Notifications

And much more.

Enterprise Plan
for businesses with more than 300 users
  • FAQs
  • Multilingual Intranet
  • My Profile

And much more.

Premium Plan
for businesses with more than 5,000 users
  • Org Chart
  • Content Translation
  • Locations Map

And much more.

Diamond Plan
For companies looking for all our components and features.
Business Plan
from 3.650 €/year
< 300 users
Enterprise Plan
300+ users
Premium Plan
5000+ users
Diamond Plan
For any company
Integration with Viva Connections
Advanced search
Intranet theme
News and communications
News archive
Alerts and service communications
Events calendar
Company documents (procedures, guidelines, etc...)
Company apps
My apps and links
Push notifications via Teams
People directory
Discussion groups and projects
Integrations with Google Analytics
Sharepoint comments section removal
Back to top
Graphic dividers
My profile
Intranet tour
Multilanguage intranet
Intranet redirect
Location map
Organizational chart
Job postings
Content translations
Bulletin boards
Key initiatives
Pop-up for important communications
Quotes + 1 year of contents
Leadership team
RSS feed
Sections with custom backgrounds
Button with pop-up content
Graphical buttons
Image slider
Welcome box
Social media posts
My favorites
Large intranet (more than 5000 users)
Go to the plan
Go to the plan
Go to the plan
Go to the plan

Add-ons Business Plan
< 300 users
Enterprise Plan
300+ users
Premium Plan
5000+ users
Diamond Plan
For any company
Intranet analytics To be purchased separately To be purchased separately To be purchased separately
Resource reservation To be purchased separately To be purchased separately To be purchased separately
Ticketing system via Teams To be purchased separately To be purchased separately To be purchased separately
Dynamic groups To be purchased separately To be purchased separately To be purchased separately
Document management system To be purchased separately To be purchased separately To be purchased separately
Docebo-Viva Learning connector To be purchased separately To be purchased separately To be purchased separately
Moodle-Viva Learning connector To be purchased separately To be purchased separately To be purchased separately
Document Acknowledgement To be purchased separately To be purchased separately To be purchased separately
Community for Microsoft 365 Copilot To be purchased separately To be purchased separately To be purchased separately To be purchased separately
Community for Microsoft 365 Collaboration Apps To be purchased separately To be purchased separately To be purchased separately To be purchased separately
Community for Office 365 Apps To be purchased separately To be purchased separately To be purchased separately To be purchased separately
Microsoft 365 Copilot Adoption Plan To be purchased separately To be purchased separately To be purchased separately To be purchased separately
Microlearning To be purchased separately To be purchased separately To be purchased separately To be purchased separately

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The complete solution to scale down costs and implementation time for your SharePoint intranet and integrated Microsoft 365 environment.

  • Smart and ready-to-use SharePoint intranet, from 3,650 €/year.
  • Fully integrated with Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Viva.
  • With 50+ vertical features to enhance your company's communication and processes, with no additional development costs.